Our Services
Digital Advertising
Your business deserves an effective results-driven advertising campaign. Black and Orange are here to help you achieve your goals, and ensure you receive results and ROI.
Want to Drive More Traffic To Your Business?
Online is where people are today, and as a business in todays competitive enviroment, if you want to reach these people, your business needs to online, creating awareness of your brand, generating leads and making sales. This is why, in today’s world, digital advertising is essential for your business to be successful.
According to a recent survey, 64% of people say they’ve recently been influenced to buy something by watching a video online. 52% of customer’s buying decisions can be traced back to Facebook. If anything, people spend so much time online, one could say it’s their second job.
So what is digital advertising?
In a nutshell, digital advertising is where you leverage the popularity of trusted sites like Facebook, YouTube, Yelp, Google Search and others. In order to deliver your products and services to their customers, these popular, trusted websites sell you ad space on their websites. When you advertise your products and services on these platforms, you are, in essence, supporting a platform that your clients love.
Digital advertising allows you to target the right people, in the right place, with the right message at the right time.
Digital advertising is not just about putting an ad up on Google, Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook or Yahoo. Digital Advertising uses advanced internet-based advertising tools to research keywords, manage, track, analyse and improve your online advertising campaigns. When done effectively, digital marketing seamlessly integrates into your target customer’s user experience on that website, leading them back to your website and business. It does so in a natural and non-intrusive way.
Digital advertising can be personalised to maximise relevance to your target customer, which in turn, maximises conversion rates. And most importantly, because it’s digital, you can track virtually every step your customer makes in relation to your ad.
This sort of research and tracking allows you to achieve an ROI not possible through other advertising means.
Digital Marketing Can Be Overwhelming. The Great News Is, We Are Here To Assist You!
Campaign Development
Digital advertising provides many ways to reach your target market.
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Digital advertising provides many ways to reach your target market. But with so many options available, not all of these options will fit your product and brand, which is why our team’s years of experience will carefully consider just what is required to get your online advertising to the right people.
Social Media Management
We can’t express just how vital having a social media presence is in today’s digital world.
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We can’t express just how vital having a social media presence is in today’s digital world. But one of the most critical aspects of social media is regular updates. Posting updates once a week or every couple of weeks is not enough.
This is where Black and Orange Creative can assist your company in their digital marketing. We take over the management of your social media accounts. Our social media team will post updates every other day. Each post is created by our graphic designers to be vivid and eye-catching.
Audience Analytics
You never have to worry about where your online advertising budget is being spent
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You never have to worry about where your online advertising budget is being spent, Black and Orange will provide you with weekly detailed analytics reports.
Before we even start your campaign, we will place a snippet of coding on each of your webpages. The coding allows for us, using Google Analytics to track the movement of each visitor.
Google Analytics will give us detailed information such as, how did this visitor arrive at your site, was it organic, paid for click or social media. Where they are from, their age group, gender, what device were they using, and one of the most crucial pieces of information, what do these visitors do your website, which pages did they visit.
From this information, we will be able to pick up quite quickly if there is a problem with your website. Say, for instance, we notice that many people enter your website via your home page, but exited within a couple of seconds, this is an indication that your homepage is turning these potential clients away. We will immediately investigate and find a solution to retain these visitors.
Online Adverting
The age-old saying “goedkoop is duurkoop” is highly appropriate when it comes to digital advertising
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The age-old saying “goedkoop is duurkoop” is highly appropriate when it comes to digital advertising. Inexperienced digital advertisers pay dearly for online adverts, either by not rebidding, irrelevant keywords, location, target audience, allowing for Adsense — many aspects have to be looked at when buying digital ad space.
Black and Orange’s digital advertising team has years of experience in this field, and we will ensure that you get the best possible position, at the lower price, and that your advert is only shown to your targetted audience, thereby lowering your cost-per-click, while driving up your ROI.
Copywriting & Strategy
Our digital copywriters will write various adverts targeting your preferred customers.
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Our digital copywriters will write various adverts targeting your preferred customers.
Our digital copywriters are more than just your average writer, journalist, or advertiser; today to be a copywriter in the digital age requires digital copywriters pay great attention to detail, be creative and think “outside of the box”, and they must have the ability to grab the attention of your potential customers with a single sentence.
With the advanced tools available at our fingertips, each advert created will be scrutinised and tweaked to gain as much attention as possible.
Keyword Reseach
Just as every human is unique, so do they search differently.
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Just as every human is unique, so do they search differently. While a shoe is a shoe, many people call it differently — takkies, sneakers, running shoes, to name a few.
Our team, using advanced internet-based tools and analytics, researches your industry and finds the best combination of keywords to bid for. Often high-end keywords like shoes are costly, and while they will bring traffic to your website, this traffic isn’t buyers. As a result-driven digital agency, we aren’t just interested in how many people we can bring to your website — no, our driving force is how many leads and sales can we generate. At the end of the day, it’s your bottom line that is most important to us.
Landing Page Creation
When paying for digital advertising, various webpage pages must be created.
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When paying for digital advertising, various webpage pages must be created. You don’t want paid for visitors just going to your home page.
Of the main reasons why you don’t want PPC visitors landing on your homepage, is that the content on your homepage—or even other site pages—often doesn’t match the premise of your ads.
An excellent landing page for a PPC campaign typically contains just one focused campaign goal or objective known as a Call to Action (CTA). The simplicity and relevance these webpages is what makes dedicated landing pages one of the best ways to increase conversions from your paid traffic, and it also lowers the cost-per-click of your PPC campaigns.
It has been proved that paid traffic pointed to generic web pages (like a website homepage) doesn’t convert well and can drive up cost-per-click.
Email Marketing
Many businesses overlook the importance of their email database.
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Many businesses overlook the importance of their email database. As they say, your contact database is priceless. Never before has it been so easy to create and grow your email database. All of Black and Orange PPC campaigns come standard with newsletter signup, and our monthly SEO clients receive beautifully designed email newsletters which are sent out regularly to their email database.
Black and Orange strictly adheres to the new POPI act, so you can rest assured that your new subscribers are legit and want to hear from you. Every person sitting on your email database is a potential sale just waiting to happen.